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update danceability

Merged Philippe Fasel requested to merge dev into main
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+ 18
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+ 18
@@ -6,6 +6,16 @@ danceability.append("h1")
// Create a div for the text content
const descriptionBox = danceability.append("div")
.attr("id", "description-box");
.text("The goal of the Dancebattle animation is to compare genres due to their danceability and popularity. " +
"The higher the danceability, the more dances the stickman, and the higher the popularity, the bigger gets the dancemob." +
"At the moment only the danceability animation was implemented. In the future, the dropdown for danceability and popularity won't be there anymore." +
"There will be two Dancefloors where you can choose the genres and years you wanna send into the battle (compare)");
// Dancefloor 1
const dancefloor1 = danceability.append("div")
.attr("id", "dancefloor1");
@@ -148,18 +158,17 @@ d3.csv("../data/spotify_forDance.csv").then(function (data) {
// Create a div for the text content
const descriptionBox = danceability.append("div")
.attr("id", "description-box");
.text("The goal of the Dancebattle animation is to compare genres due to their danceability and popularity. " +
"The higher the danceability, the more dances the stickman, and the higher the popularity, the bigger gets the dancemob." +
"At the moment only the danceability animation was implemented. In the future, the dropdown for danceability and popularity won't be there anymore." +
"There will be two Dancefloors where you can choose the genres and years you wanna send into the battle (compare)");
// Dancefloor 1 Title (under the text box)
.text("Dancefloor 1");